Friday, November 30, 2007

Birds n Bees finishes 1/105 in UB $2000 Guaranteed for $567

Bad cash; Stage 1 Qualifier taken down

I'd estimate I lost ~$150 in cash games today. I did okay with my usual 5-table NL50 session, finishing up a buy-in or so. I then decided to work on my HU game and 4-tabled NL50 HU, and lost about $50 there. I chased with NL400 and lost around $30 there. To top the night off, lost $45 5-tabling NL50 for like 20 minutes.

So, meh, not a great night. Haven't been in the best mood tonight, so I'm done for the night. I wish I'd said that $150 ago.

In positive news, I took down a Stage 1 UBOC Qualifier today. This means that on Wednesday, I'll be playing in a 20/30 Seat Guarantee, with entry into one of the UBOC events. It'd be awesome to play in a UBOC over the Christmas holidays.

I don't know if I feel much like playing tomorrow. I doubt that statement will stand when I have nothing to do and find myself in front of a computer, but hopefully it will hold.

Birds n Bees finishes 34/380 in UB $1500 Guaranteed Bounty

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Birds n Bees finishes 7/372 in UB $1500 Guaranteed for $79.05

Actually pretty upset with the way this one turned out. 77 in MP and an UTG raiser comes in for standard 3-3.5x raise. I opt to push for 30BBs total with 77. Yeah, some people call here and hope to flop sets. I, on the other hand I 1) don't want others to join, 2) don't want others to reraise and push me off hand and, 3) want to take it down right now. After much, much debate, raiser elects to call with KQo. Board comes KQTTT, gg me.

At least I was the favorite? I don't really know what to say.

uBet Bankroll: $1175

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

+107, NL50, 5-tabling

820 hand session (~hour and a half) went really really well. I was up to around $200 but decided to stay at some tables and play HU and obviously I lose a lot. I felt like I played okay in one but then lost a huge flip, AK v 55/88, and that was that.

+107 is noice though, it gets my bankroll above $1k for the first time since the summer.

I'm ITM of the $1500 Guarantee, average in chips. 16 players remain. Screenshot coming as soon as that one is over. Hopefully I can take her down.

Won just a bit over 3 buy-ins at NL10 on Full Tilt

+$32.05 for a much needed pad to my bankroll at Full Tilt.

Full Tilt Bankroll: $63

I also won't be playing much for the remainder of the week because I'm swamped with shit to do for work. Its been a good past few days though.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Birds n Bees finishes 1/123 in UB $2000 Guaranteed for $664.20


Monday, November 26, 2007

Birds n Bees finishes 17/317 in UB $1500 Guaranteed for $11.88

Birds n Bees finishes 2/185 in UB $1500 Guaranteed for $296

I'm so terrible HU. I really thought I had this tournament but eventually it came down to me not having the balls to call immense 3-bets. The guy who took this down played phenomenally and it would've been quite the feat to have taken him down. Kudos to him.

I played very well this tournament, but was pretty reluctant to get involved in hands. I'd attempt steals and have to lay them down to reraises. I've got to get over that because I'm confident the tournament would've been mine had I called a few of those times.

I'll take $300 though.

Show da Scrilla finishes 27th/496 in FT $3 for $9.65

Overexcerting myself. Not getting anything done.

I don't know why I always load up too many MTTs to keep up with. My skill just goes to shit if I'm multi-tabling too many.

Birds n Bees finishes 6th/256 in UB $1 Rebuy $1000 Guaranteed for $59.51

I final tabled the UB $1 Rebuy $1k Guaranteed for the 5th or 6th time in my career, this time finishing 6th for nearly $60. I played pretty well and made a few questionable calls when I small pocket pair, had raised pre-flop and was faced with an over-the-top shove. All in all though, I think I played pretty well. It being the 5th time I've made this final table is pretty amazing.

I got really lucky on the last hand before the rebuy period ended. The pot was huge already, with a raiser and various callers, so I just pushed in 4500 with wired 9s. Everyone called and this massive 21k+ pot was created. The board came all clubs and I was the only one in the hand with a club. I turned the nuts and shipped a sick pot, that pretty much gave me easy coasting throughout the entire tournament.

Show da Scrilla finishes 34th/987 in FT $1 $500 Guaranteed "The Ferguson" for $4.14

Played pretty well but eventually (I don't remember how) got too shortstacked and pushed 6BBs with J7 into KQ and AA. Sucks to play for so long and not get a bigger score.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Birds n Bees finishes 43rd/793 in UB $2 Bounty for $2.77

I also had 5 KO's good for $5 in bounty money.

I couldn't play as much as I would've liked to play today because I got called into work. I'll play my ass off tomorrow, hopefully. No work tomorrow for sure.

I'm playing really good poker right now and running deep in everything. There were a few cases of gross suckouts JJ < TT and TT < 99 happened twice today, ughhh, that were for huge pots. Unfortunately I couldn't hold.

I may or may not play more tonight. Depends on what happens with friends. If I do play however, I'll obviously post.

Also, I'm back on Full Tilt.

uBet: $92
FT: $47

Back from Thanksgiving Break.

uBet bankroll is around $102 right now and I'm back from Thanksgiving Break. I hope everyone had a fantastic break.

I've been itching to play poker and will be doing so on UltimateBet all day today, so rail me if you get the chance. I'm 0/2 in tournaments thus far with TT<99 style="font-weight: bold;">

Monday, November 19, 2007

+$30, NL10 6max 5-tabling

Finally, a productive night multi-tabling. Its a complete grind, but after 700+ hands I finished up $30. Its been so long since I've had a successful session multi-tabling and I'm glad I finally was able to get a winning one going.

Bankroll is a bit under $100. Roller coasterin' son of a bitch.

Birds n Bees finishes 26th/440 in UB Bounty $1500 Guaranteed for $12

I played great but eventually blinded down to <10BBs and pushed A9 in MP. SB pushed and BB auto-called. SB had JJ and BB showed AA. Completely wrong time to shove. x9x flop gave me hope and 9 on turn had me up out of my chair. It was short-lived however as the river brought a J to give the SB Jacks Full and end my tournament run. I made $12 for 26th place as well as $6 in bounties, which I gave to my friend since I gave him a bad beat (ish) earlier today.

My MTT game is becoming pretty sick. I'll explain some of the changes I've made to my game in an upcoming post.

$3/$6: -$240

Got spanked. They can play up there, let me tell you.

Birds n Bees finishes 2nd/67 in UB $5 for $67

After the first hour of play, I had 1475 chips from a starting stack of 1500. Pretty horrible. I was patient and played well however, and finally persistence paid off. I made the final table 1st in chips, and with 7 left had 2x what 2nd place had. I was nearly x3 above average.

Unfortunately I had to leave to have lunch with my girlfriend. My good friend BigSlick took over when I was 4th/4 and had 1/2 the chip average. He worked his magic and ended up taking 2nd place for me. Appreciate it man.

Lucky day.

Don't really remember what happened, haha. Days are running together. After the previous post, I lost close to my entire bankroll the next day. I've managed to salvage it, however, and its currently at $300. I'm being ballsy and buying in for the minimum and playing until I can afford to play at higher stakes. I bought in for $30 at $0.50/$1 and got it up to $42ish. I then bought into a $1/$2 game and ran that up to about $84 I think. I'm now sitting at a $2/$4 table with $300. When I hit $120 (minimum buy-in for $3/$6), I looked for $3/$6 tables but there were none open. After tomorrow, I won't be able to play for an entire week, so I'm trying to get in what I can before Thanksgiving Break.

I watched the FTOPS religiously this past week and have learned so much from these players. There are a ton of brilliant online players and my respect goes out to each and every one of them. They're truly masters of the game. I feel that my MTT game has improved immensely through watching them, and I hope that it translates to some deep runs in the next few months.

I'm also planning on reading some poker books over break, which I haven't done, ever. I want to read Full Tilt's MTT book, so hopefully I'll be able to read a few chapters of that.

- Saeid

Thursday, November 15, 2007

FT'd the same $10+1; qualified for Sat. majors

Decided to play MTTs today and had a really solid day. I cashed for the Saturday $2.5k Guarantee ($5.50 worth) as well as the Saturday $10k Guarantee ($22worth, I think). I spend $6.60 on entires for those so in total I saved about $20-something.

I ran deep in a lot of tournaments as well. I got 12th in a Turbo $1r which was good for $20ish, I believe. I'll PokerDB all this tomorrow to double check. I also final tabled the same $10+1 MTT for the second time. This makes back-to-back FT appearances for this tourney. I played well and got 5th place, good for $110.

Bankroll looks nice, considering it was nothing 2 days ago.

uBet Bankroll: $340.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Wow, its been a while hasn't it? Sorry for the hiatus, but things didn't run well when I jumped to NL25 and I no longer felt the desire to blog. Negative posts are no fun and writing about going busto is tough. I did go bust though, all $375ish of it, and only had 22 Tournament Dollars in my account.

I didn't play poker for over a month and focused on school and work. I'm opening my own business soon, burnthiscity designs. Its a visual media design/band management company, and I'm very excited about getting it started.

I finally decided to play poker about 2 nights ago. I bought into a $10+1 MTT using TDs, which was not very smart since it was 50% of my TDs. I made my way through the 156 player field and took 2nd place, good for ~$249. It was great to play so well. I remember a lot of hands for a ton of chips where I'd just straight shove-bluff to take it down. I didn't really have a process of deciding when to shove but things worked out. Just the pressure of being put all-in was enough to push my opponents of their hands.

Something really odd happened at the tournament, which I wrote about at 2+2 here:

So, I'm back to playing cards. I'm not really sure if I'll be grinding MTTs or cash, but I'll try to post results nightly.