Wednesday's NL10 Session. I played very well today and had one of my nicest days of NL10, finishing up a very welcome $50.85. I played nearly 1900 hands and have surpassed my goal of 10,000 hands at NL10.
The 2+2 post. This never happened. After trying to navigate the forum and find out where to post stats/graphs/results/whatever and being unsuccessful, I decided to forget about it. I don't really need anyones expert opinion on how I'm doing and whether or not I should move up to NL25.
NL25 6-max. Yeah, I think it's time for me to move up to $0.10/$0.25. My bankroll is where I think it needs to be: at 15 BI's for NL25, aka $375+. Starting tomorrow, I'll begin my journey at NL25. Here are some really simple goals, however:
- Play no more than 5 tables at a time.
- Try to play 1000 hands/day unless running horrible/tilting. If doing really well, continue playing for as long as I'd like.
- Play 10,000 hands total of NL25.
- If bankroll falls to below $300, move back down to NL10. Grind up to $375.
- Can't move up to $0.25/$0.50 until I have $50 x 20 BI's = $1000.

I finished up a delicious $187.15, making something like $9.13/hour.
I've also quickly taken a look at my PokerTracker stats. Everything is just solid. I play comfortable at 22/16/2.5 (VP$IP/PFR/AF). I steal the blinds frequently, at 32%. I have a 60% showdown win percentage, which is decent IMO. I get tighter the further away from the button I am. The only thing of concern, IMO, is that I lose money from the BB. Although this number is small (-$2.49) I still don't like having leaks in my game. I'm currently writing it off as variance yet keeping it in my head that maybe I need to protect my blinds and 3-bet from the BB a little bit more. Its just really scary for me to call a bet OOP but I assume I need to overcome that ridiculous fear. Especially if the raises are coming from the Button where they can be pretty much holding ATC. I should just look at the opponents Attempt to Steal percentage and if its 30% I can call wide and if its 12% I can call tight.
Anyways, I'm off to bed. Exhausting day, for some reason.
uBet Bankroll: $376.86