I just saw the greatest instance of poker justice I've seen in my life. it's a pot limit tournament at the 2006 World Series, final table... CK Hua raises preflop with 2-7, trying to bluff at it. Problem is, Rafe Furst had A-A. 77Q flop (are you friggin kidding me?!), 3 on the turn, and after trying to trap and outduel each other, they get all the money on the table, Hua putting Furst all in. Furst calls, and is shocked to see what Hua turns over.
Ace on the river. Thanks fo' playin.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Rivered and Pissed
ok i'm pissed off. I entered this 500k playchip tournament that pays real money. 28 in, 18 paid. CANT BEAT THOSE ODDS. so everyone plays rock tight, 3 eliminations in about 45 minutes... i hang around near the bottom, but in good enough place to last for a little longer.
21 people left, i get 2-2 under the gun. i limp in, hoping to see a flop cheap. flop comes 2d3xAd. YAHTZEE, i go all in, hoping to double up and land securely in the money. he calls, and turns over XdXd. blank on the turn, and i'm feeling victorious. diamond on the river, and i about throw my laptop across the room.
out in 21st. and out 500k in play chips. yay for the river.
21 people left, i get 2-2 under the gun. i limp in, hoping to see a flop cheap. flop comes 2d3xAd. YAHTZEE, i go all in, hoping to double up and land securely in the money. he calls, and turns over XdXd. blank on the turn, and i'm feeling victorious. diamond on the river, and i about throw my laptop across the room.
out in 21st. and out 500k in play chips. yay for the river.
Owning SNGs
I'm playing great thanks to SNGs. I've really grasped the concept of being an aggro bubble player. All this means is that I'm aggressive when we are 4-handed. Since only top 3 play, nobody wants to bust in 4th. I force a lot of opponents to make tournament-life decisions by going all in myself. It really doesn't matter what I have, since most of the time they won't have anything worth going all-in with. All I do is just sit back and collect blinds. Delish.
Now, if I only I had time to play more often, lol.
Available Real Money: $46. 78
Now, if I only I had time to play more often, lol.
Available Real Money: $46. 78
Thursday, April 26, 2007
2-4 tabling SNGs for now
I had been 8-tabling with not as great results as I would have liked. I think over 60 SNGs I lost about $10 or so. I think the problem is that I'm playing too many tables and maybe I'm not skilled enough to play 8 just yet. I played 2 2 tables today, and they barely overlapped, and I won both of them. So, I'm going to experiment with 2-4 tables for a few days and see how it goes.
Available Real Money: $36.25
Available Real Money: $36.25
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
16th in the $1000 Guarantee, SNGs
I've played in 30 SNGs since yesterday and will probably play in about 20 more tonight. I've cashed in 25% of them which is pretty bad. That number should probably be above 30%. I've lost $9.90 playing SNGs in the past two days. It isn't bad, but still, I'd like that to be a profit obviously.
My problem comes with me being too impatient and trying to steal too many blinds. I become too aggressive of a big stack and after doubling someone up, the blinds start to become annoying. I should probably try to cut back a liiiittle bit on the openpushes when on the bubble and focus on making the money.
I got 16th in the $1000 Guarantee after a hell of a roller coaster ride. I misplayed Aces by smooth calling pre-flop and then check/raising all-in into a set of ducks and lost a huge amount of chips near the end. I wish I had posted late last night after the tourney had ended because now I don't remember many hands. Anyways I made $10 in that mtt.
My problem comes with me being too impatient and trying to steal too many blinds. I become too aggressive of a big stack and after doubling someone up, the blinds start to become annoying. I should probably try to cut back a liiiittle bit on the openpushes when on the bubble and focus on making the money.
I got 16th in the $1000 Guarantee after a hell of a roller coaster ride. I misplayed Aces by smooth calling pre-flop and then check/raising all-in into a set of ducks and lost a huge amount of chips near the end. I wish I had posted late last night after the tourney had ended because now I don't remember many hands. Anyways I made $10 in that mtt.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Busto from $1000 Guarantee
Got way way way to short stack and finally pushed for maybe 8k with BB1200. Thank god the player to my left pushed all in for 21k. He showed AKs and we saw a board of JT5J5. That river was a zinger, ouch. I busted in 40th out of 150 and top 20 paid. I'm just gonna keep on playing my game. I really feel close to a big score.
So.. I decided to hit a Royal Flush today

I did the balla thing to do today and decide to river a royal flush. I really can't do any better.
Hand #41635184-54 at Thu2amA-001 (No Limit tournament Hold'em)
Started at 19/Apr/07 03:11:08
bigtox is at seat 0 with 14185.
w_g_a_s is at seat 1 with 18440.
seebaz is at seat 2 with 15060.
nnooaahh is at seat 3 with 1500.
Bad67 is at seat 4 with 9685.
punko is at seat 5 with 11620.
GodPlaysGolf is at seat 6 with 10500.
slimjrc is at seat 7 with 12320.
Birds n Bees is at seat 8 with 9925.
RECK LESS is at seat 9 with 13765.
The button is at seat 1.
seebaz posts the small blind of 50.
nnooaahh posts the big blind of 100.
bigtox: -- --
w_g_a_s: -- --
seebaz: -- --
nnooaahh: -- --
Bad67: -- --
punko: -- --
GodPlaysGolf: -- --
slimjrc: -- --
Birds n Bees: Qh Qs
RECK LESS: -- --
Bad67 raises to 200. punko folds. GodPlaysGolf
folds. slimjrc calls. Birds n Bees re-raises to
1100. RECK LESS folds. bigtox folds. w_g_a_s
folds. seebaz folds. nnooaahh folds. Bad67 calls.
slimjrc folds.
Flop (board: Ks Js As):
Bad67 checks. Birds n Bees checks.
Turn (board: Ks Js As 3h):
Bad67 bets 250. Birds n Bees calls.
River (board: Ks Js As 3h Ts):
Bad67 checks. Birds n Bees bets 2000. Bad67 folds.
Birds n Bees is returned 2000 (uncalled).
Hand #41635184-54 Summary:
No rake is taken for this hand.
Birds n Bees wins 3050.
The odds of this happening are 1:649,650 so I guess I've officially played 649,651 hands in my lifetime.
Anyways, I'm playing the $1 Rebuy $1000 Guarantee again. I'm sitting pretty, barely above average, about an hour and a half in. Wish me luck. I'll update later
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
2-outed in $1000 Guarantee ; SNGs
I misplayed KQ and let my top pair get beat when my opponent hit his improbable set on the turn. I need to stop trying to slowplay weak hands like top pair. I'll learn.
I played 7 SNG's and cashed in 3 of them; 1 st and 2 2nds, for a profit of $3.30. What sucks is that I could have done a lot better. Halfway through my session I kept getting screwed and it was very discouraging. Also, I could do better HU. Gah, I have so much to improve on.
Can't wait to play with you guys in the summer!
I played 7 SNG's and cashed in 3 of them; 1 st and 2 2nds, for a profit of $3.30. What sucks is that I could have done a lot better. Halfway through my session I kept getting screwed and it was very discouraging. Also, I could do better HU. Gah, I have so much to improve on.
Can't wait to play with you guys in the summer!
Playing the $1000 Guarantee tonight
I haven't played poker in a long time and tonight, I finally want to. So, starting at 1AM, I'll be playing in the $1 Rebuy $1000 Guarantee at UB. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
FTP Updates
Alright, last post for the day (I think)
FTP shut down its site for about three hours today to do updates to the software. Here are some of the updates I've found so far:
1. When a table is maximized, the picture is now sharper and not as distorted or blurry.
2. Heads-up sit-n-go's! 100k and up.
3. Sit-n-gos are now more organized. They are sorted by single table, multi table, and heads-up.
4. There is now a black FTP deck available. In exchange, the red FTP is no longer available.
FTP shut down its site for about three hours today to do updates to the software. Here are some of the updates I've found so far:
1. When a table is maximized, the picture is now sharper and not as distorted or blurry.
2. Heads-up sit-n-go's! 100k and up.
3. Sit-n-gos are now more organized. They are sorted by single table, multi table, and heads-up.
4. There is now a black FTP deck available. In exchange, the red FTP is no longer available.
HORSE, finished
I'm done, 2nd place out of 382.... i just wanted to end it because i was outchipped 3 to 1 and also Lubbock is in the middle of a tornado warning... Gotta go, folks! Talk to you later
HORSE, Pt. 3
What it do, final table?
Couple of huge hands for me the last five minutes.
First, i catch trip tens, and the guy betting me hard misses his low - SCOOOOOOOOP
Then, right before the final table, I get AsJs, and a guy with like a big blind and a half goes all in... He turns over 5d6d. I flop trip aces, and he's drawing dead. And i'm the savior for everybody trying to squeak into the final table...
Except that guy.
Couple of huge hands for me the last five minutes.
First, i catch trip tens, and the guy betting me hard misses his low - SCOOOOOOOOP
Then, right before the final table, I get AsJs, and a guy with like a big blind and a half goes all in... He turns over 5d6d. I flop trip aces, and he's drawing dead. And i'm the savior for everybody trying to squeak into the final table...
Except that guy.
HORSE, Pt. 2
Alright. I'm right back in this thing. 3rd break, 14 players left, avg. is 40,928, chip leader at 102,342... I'm sitting in 5th with 46,150. I'm back in my zone... playing all those hands at the 2,500/5,000 cash games have helped me lose the fear of late-tourney big limits... I've got about the same size stack I sit down with at cash games, and the limits are almost half. Here goes nothin...
Okay, so I played in this HORSE tournament this morning, and had a great run. I shot up steadily over the first hour or two, and by the second break, I was the chip leader with 157 players remaining. However, right about that time i had to go to class, so I figured the tournament was shot all to hell... NOT SO. I come back and I'm 25th out of 27 left. first hand I play, I get jacks with an ace kicker to about triple up. Next hand, I flop trip kings, and get the blinds and a few early callers before my raise. Couple hands later, I get pocket kings and before you know it I'm back up to chip average. As we speak, I'm 11 out of 21 with about 1 big blind under the average chip stack. :-D More to come.
Friday, April 13, 2007
PPA Freeroll
Afternoon, beeotches. Long time, no post. Alright, so right now I am participating in Full Tilt's PPA Freeroll, and I like my odds. 1,643 began the tourney, and 540 get paid. Right now at the first break I'm hanging in 440th out of 687. Just a matter of outlasting 'em. Just since the last sentence, I've risen to 437th out of 676. More updates to come!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
17th in $2 NLHE
144 players started this event. We're on the 2nd break of the tournament and the next person eliminated will burst the bubble. 20 players cash with 1st place taking home $77.76. I'm sitting patiently with 8k with the average at 10k. I've only played 9% of my hands at this table, so hopefully ours isn't the one to break up and I can use that tight image and steal a whole bunch.
I'll write the hands I play from now until I bust.
Blinds 200/400/50
I'll probably play in this tomorrow because I feel like I coasted through it. Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.
I'll write the hands I play from now until I bust.
Blinds 200/400/50
- Hand 1. 45s in the BB. UTG limper see flop of 282 and check/check. Turn is a 5 and I take it down with a 400 bet.
- Hand 2. AA in the CO-1. I reraise to 1600 with one limper and 3 of us see a flop of 332 with two spades. I throw in half my stack, and get put allin by the the big blind. Its the easiest call in the world, and he shows K9ss. I've got a 65% chance the spade won't hit on the turn. The turn comes 3d. Now, I've got an 80% chance to win the hand. But of course the river comes Js and I'm sent to the rail in 17th place with a profit not even worth mentioning.
I'll probably play in this tomorrow because I feel like I coasted through it. Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
UH blues....
So last night a friend of mine was having a fund raiser for some club she's in at the University of Houston. You pay three bucks and you can mingle and eat yummy snacks - you pay five and you play Texas Hold 'Em. So I take the tickets another friend bought but wasn't going to use and someone else spotted me two more dollars and I sit down ready to kick ass.
Three guys at the table I was at were playing a little "warm up game" I guess so I watched for a bit to see what I could pick up about their styles. What did I learn? They're all talk and no show. Chalk one up for the team...
More points for me appear later when I realize Caitlin and I are not only the only white girls in the room (lol as usual) but we are also the only women playing. This works to my advantage because obviously the males are under the impression Caitlin and I have no idea what's going on. Normally, that would piss me off but there was a $50 prize pool involved so I decided to smile and let them think what they wanted to lol. Caitlin usually needs a little cheat sheet for hand rankings too which helps me with the whole ignorant female ploy.
Chalk another up please...
I overhear a guy at the other table (same guy who was talking about watching 14 hour long poker movies or some crap) ask why the dealer had a different kind of chip than the others. Oh yeah, he's clueless.
You keeping track? That's 3 points and the game hasn't even started...
The tournament is about to begin and people start dividing the chips up and talking about how they're all going to be worth $1 no matter what color they are. First of all, I didn't want to have an incident like Mark at the church, and second of all, they couldn't even divide them evenly. Ugh. Finally someone convinces them to use different denominations for the chips and we end up with this:
White chips -$1
Blue chips - $5
Red chips - $10
Green chips - $20
Black chips - $50
Ok second problem, why do we have $1000 worth of chips when we bought in for $5!? Oh well. Anyway this guy at my table starts explaining to Caitlin and I how to play and he has a tone like he's talking to three year olds. Again, part of my advantage. Half his "rules for playing" were screwed up anyway so I knew he was an idiot. The betting order was wrong and so was first to act - and this is the guy that was bragging about how good he was. If I've learned nothing else this whole time I've been playing, I've learned this - real poker players don't brag. They sit back and watch you brag and then quietly (and a little smugly) kick your ass. Which is exactly what I did :)
Finally we start and on the first hand I'm dealt 4d and 5h. Ok they're off-suit but they're still connectors so I limp in. Some idiot re-raises and I probably shouldn't, but I trusted my gut and called. Flop comes out and it's A, 2, 3. I don't remember the suits but it didn't matter, I flopped a straight. I re-raise and they call but I'm not worried. The turn is a 6 and my hand just got better. Again re-raise and calls. The river is a 7 and I'm feeling invincible. Naturally everyone bets like mad because either they have 4,5 like me or they want everyone to think they did. I call everything and re-raise right before the end. We show our hands and everyone has a pair of Aces and horribly weak kickers so I take the pot. At this point almost all of the chips are mine.
Some time goes by and I knock out two people. I am most definitely the chip leader and I have the whole room's attention. Yeah, white girl does know how to play people.
About two hours later I'm still going strong. I'm dealt two eights and I raise a little before the flop. I'm called all around. Flop comes something, 4, 4. Guy across from me raises, two fold and I re-raise a little. Turn is another 4 and I call his raise. The river card didn't matter because I had my full house and the river helped no one. I check to him letting him think I missed what I was chasing. He bets, I re-raise and he thinks for a long time before he goes all in. I call cause I'm convinced he has nothing and he reveals another 4. Well, crap. Both of us played that hand really well and luck just wasn't on my side - at least that's how I feel. I'm cool with it too because this is the same guy I bluffed into folding pocket rockets earlier in the game :)
Three guys at the table I was at were playing a little "warm up game" I guess so I watched for a bit to see what I could pick up about their styles. What did I learn? They're all talk and no show. Chalk one up for the team...
More points for me appear later when I realize Caitlin and I are not only the only white girls in the room (lol as usual) but we are also the only women playing. This works to my advantage because obviously the males are under the impression Caitlin and I have no idea what's going on. Normally, that would piss me off but there was a $50 prize pool involved so I decided to smile and let them think what they wanted to lol. Caitlin usually needs a little cheat sheet for hand rankings too which helps me with the whole ignorant female ploy.
Chalk another up please...
I overhear a guy at the other table (same guy who was talking about watching 14 hour long poker movies or some crap) ask why the dealer had a different kind of chip than the others. Oh yeah, he's clueless.
You keeping track? That's 3 points and the game hasn't even started...
The tournament is about to begin and people start dividing the chips up and talking about how they're all going to be worth $1 no matter what color they are. First of all, I didn't want to have an incident like Mark at the church, and second of all, they couldn't even divide them evenly. Ugh. Finally someone convinces them to use different denominations for the chips and we end up with this:
White chips -$1
Blue chips - $5
Red chips - $10
Green chips - $20
Black chips - $50
Ok second problem, why do we have $1000 worth of chips when we bought in for $5!? Oh well. Anyway this guy at my table starts explaining to Caitlin and I how to play and he has a tone like he's talking to three year olds. Again, part of my advantage. Half his "rules for playing" were screwed up anyway so I knew he was an idiot. The betting order was wrong and so was first to act - and this is the guy that was bragging about how good he was. If I've learned nothing else this whole time I've been playing, I've learned this - real poker players don't brag. They sit back and watch you brag and then quietly (and a little smugly) kick your ass. Which is exactly what I did :)
Finally we start and on the first hand I'm dealt 4d and 5h. Ok they're off-suit but they're still connectors so I limp in. Some idiot re-raises and I probably shouldn't, but I trusted my gut and called. Flop comes out and it's A, 2, 3. I don't remember the suits but it didn't matter, I flopped a straight. I re-raise and they call but I'm not worried. The turn is a 6 and my hand just got better. Again re-raise and calls. The river is a 7 and I'm feeling invincible. Naturally everyone bets like mad because either they have 4,5 like me or they want everyone to think they did. I call everything and re-raise right before the end. We show our hands and everyone has a pair of Aces and horribly weak kickers so I take the pot. At this point almost all of the chips are mine.
Some time goes by and I knock out two people. I am most definitely the chip leader and I have the whole room's attention. Yeah, white girl does know how to play people.
About two hours later I'm still going strong. I'm dealt two eights and I raise a little before the flop. I'm called all around. Flop comes something, 4, 4. Guy across from me raises, two fold and I re-raise a little. Turn is another 4 and I call his raise. The river card didn't matter because I had my full house and the river helped no one. I check to him letting him think I missed what I was chasing. He bets, I re-raise and he thinks for a long time before he goes all in. I call cause I'm convinced he has nothing and he reveals another 4. Well, crap. Both of us played that hand really well and luck just wasn't on my side - at least that's how I feel. I'm cool with it too because this is the same guy I bluffed into folding pocket rockets earlier in the game :)
Wednesday ring games
Made $11.5o 2-tabling .05/.1 today for about 40 minutes . I'm feeling confident about my ring game right now. I'm also sticking to playing in the evening because everyone is home from work and unwinding and I think there is profit to be made at this time. No more early day sessions.
Not really playing much. I don't want to be burnt out from playing too much. This way, whenever I do play, it'll be A-game stuff.
Hope y'all are doing well. Check our Facebook group for info about the summer.
Not really playing much. I don't want to be burnt out from playing too much. This way, whenever I do play, it'll be A-game stuff.
Hope y'all are doing well. Check our Facebook group for info about the summer.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Dropping to .05/.1
I've dropped down to .05/.1 because my bankroll is quite low right now. I 3-tabled for about half an hour and made about $3. Funny how a few weeks ago I was talking about winning and losing hundreds of dollars a day. Well, for the next few days, I'll probably be talking about things in terms of cents and, sometimes, dollars. Haha..
I loathe playing .05/.1 but it is the only level I can adequately play it. The play is quite terrible for the most part and I'm easily very +EV. Hopefully I'll be able to build up this bankroll.
Wish me luck.
I loathe playing .05/.1 but it is the only level I can adequately play it. The play is quite terrible for the most part and I'm easily very +EV. Hopefully I'll be able to build up this bankroll.
Wish me luck.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Thursday, eh.
I cashed in some MTT but didn't final table so I made like .20. That was cool. Besides that, I didn't do anything really. I dropped down from .25/.5 and played .1/.25 and .05/.1 and made like, $5 maybe. Overall it was a pretty uneventful day.
There is no school for us tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to play a lot of poker. Unfortunately I don't really have the bankroll to do a whole lot of playing. I'm kinda limited. Hopefully I'll be able to make something happen in some MTT. Its really crunch time.
There is no school for us tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to play a lot of poker. Unfortunately I don't really have the bankroll to do a whole lot of playing. I'm kinda limited. Hopefully I'll be able to make something happen in some MTT. Its really crunch time.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Insert Adidas Slogan Here
Yesterday was horrible. But its not yesterday anymore. Its a brand new day and absolutely anything is possible. There is no reason why I cannot win an MTT today. There is no reason why I can't stack people at the NL tables. I can... and I'm determined to do just that today.
Wish me luck. I'll have a summary of all the action later tonight.
Wish me luck. I'll have a summary of all the action later tonight.
So, I completely suck.
Yeah, so I lost $225 today. I thought losing $170 was funny, took a relaxing coffee break, then lost some more. I do not find tt so funny anymore, lol. It seems like there is a pattern in how I lose the money: I lose ~$50 to a suckout, then lose ~$50 on tilt. This happened twice today. Honestly though, I played absolutely wretched today. I'm embarrassed and I know I'm better.
I'll go over the hands.
Suckout #1
Player 1 raises in the CO* to $1.75, I reraise to $5.75 in the SB with KK, and both the BB and the CO* call. There is $17.25 in the pot preflop. We see a flop of J-3-Q rainbow and since I was OOP** I decide to check. The BB leads out for a $17.25, the CO folds, and I push over the top for $43. So, summary, I reraise preflop, and then reraise on the flop. I've invested nearly $50 dollars in the hand, for crying out loud. Is there any other way to tell the guy I have a monster? The guy calls the $43 anyways and shows KQ for only top pair (heehaw, what a donk). Of course the board finishes out runner-runner Q-Q to give him quads. So standard.
Tilt #1
Immediately afterwards, at another table, I get dealt KK in LP. I'm faced with a $1.75 raise, which I reraise to $6. My opponent then pushes immediately all in for nearly $50. I should have folded. I really, honestly should have. And, as I pressed call, I just knew I was making the wrong decision. He flipped over AA and I didn't win the 20%er.
Suckout #2
I forgot what I had actually, but I know for sure I had the best hand on the flop. I remember my opponent betting and me reraising. He called of course with a gutshot straight draw and hit on the turn. I must've loved my hand because I ended up all in and got stacked.
Tilt #2
I had TQ and the flop came Q high. I led out, was reraised, and idiotically pushed over the top. He autocalled with QK and I didn't hit my 3 outer.
What makes this so funny is that I don't care at all and will be playing again tomorrow. Lalalala...
* CO- Cut Off- the player before the button
** OOP- Out Of Position- in bad position in the hand, lol. Doy.
I'll go over the hands.
Suckout #1
Player 1 raises in the CO* to $1.75, I reraise to $5.75 in the SB with KK, and both the BB and the CO* call. There is $17.25 in the pot preflop. We see a flop of J-3-Q rainbow and since I was OOP** I decide to check. The BB leads out for a $17.25, the CO folds, and I push over the top for $43. So, summary, I reraise preflop, and then reraise on the flop. I've invested nearly $50 dollars in the hand, for crying out loud. Is there any other way to tell the guy I have a monster? The guy calls the $43 anyways and shows KQ for only top pair (heehaw, what a donk). Of course the board finishes out runner-runner Q-Q to give him quads. So standard.
Tilt #1
Immediately afterwards, at another table, I get dealt KK in LP. I'm faced with a $1.75 raise, which I reraise to $6. My opponent then pushes immediately all in for nearly $50. I should have folded. I really, honestly should have. And, as I pressed call, I just knew I was making the wrong decision. He flipped over AA and I didn't win the 20%er.
Suckout #2
I forgot what I had actually, but I know for sure I had the best hand on the flop. I remember my opponent betting and me reraising. He called of course with a gutshot straight draw and hit on the turn. I must've loved my hand because I ended up all in and got stacked.
Tilt #2
I had TQ and the flop came Q high. I led out, was reraised, and idiotically pushed over the top. He autocalled with QK and I didn't hit my 3 outer.
What makes this so funny is that I don't care at all and will be playing again tomorrow. Lalalala...
* CO- Cut Off- the player before the button
** OOP- Out Of Position- in bad position in the hand, lol. Doy.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Sooo, I think i'm watching the same show Emily is, and I just saw the sickest suckout ever. 10-2 vs. J-5... Flop comes K-5-2, bet and a call... Turn comes a deuce, J-5 goes all in, 10-2 quickly calls... and you know what happens next...
Miracle 5 on the river
Miracle 5 on the river
Poker - The Noble Art Form
I'm watching the WPT and there are a couple phrases I had to share with ya'll. For one, poker was called the noblest of art forms because it's not only about battling the other players, but about keeping yourself in check. And my favorite so far:
"Poker is like making love. Position is everything."
LOL Stupid post I know, but I had to share my laughter...
"Poker is like making love. Position is everything."
LOL Stupid post I know, but I had to share my laughter...
Its like there is some MTT/Ring see-saw
I played close to 20 MTTs today and made nothing happen. I think I'm overexerting myself? With buyins and rebuys factored in, I calculate I lost around $85 or so from MTTs alone. I'll keep on playing in them however just because eventually I'll hit big in one of them.
I had a breakout day at the cash game tables and made a sick $176. There were about 5 hands today that had final pot sizes of over $90, and I came out on top in all of them. I did misread a board once and was down to 8 outs (4 to win, 4 to split) on the river but hit to scoop the pot.
I also sat down with $100 @ .5/1 for the hell of it and lost $25 without even seeing a flop, lol. Every time I opened a pot or even reraised, I got reraised or rereraised. I felt like I was playing against myself, lol. I open raise and reraise a lot in position, but I'm comfortable at doing this at .25/.5, not .5/1.
I think I'm going to just focus on the 4 major daily MTTs tomorrow, the 12PM $3 Rebuy $2000 Guarantee, the 4PM $1 Rebuy $1000 Guarantee, the 5PM $6 Bounty $1500 Guarantee, and the 8PM $3 Rebuy $5000 Guarantee. The rest of the time I'll be playing .25/.5 NL. I'm not playing the others because their prize pools aren't all that great and because I lose focus (and therefore money) if I have too many tables open at once.
Some may wonder how I have so much time to do this and school. Well, I am done with all of my days before 12PM, lol. Last year it used to be that I didn't have any classes until 12PM. Anyways, I have the worst academic schedule out of anyone I know in the history of mankind.
I had a breakout day at the cash game tables and made a sick $176. There were about 5 hands today that had final pot sizes of over $90, and I came out on top in all of them. I did misread a board once and was down to 8 outs (4 to win, 4 to split) on the river but hit to scoop the pot.
I also sat down with $100 @ .5/1 for the hell of it and lost $25 without even seeing a flop, lol. Every time I opened a pot or even reraised, I got reraised or rereraised. I felt like I was playing against myself, lol. I open raise and reraise a lot in position, but I'm comfortable at doing this at .25/.5, not .5/1.
I think I'm going to just focus on the 4 major daily MTTs tomorrow, the 12PM $3 Rebuy $2000 Guarantee, the 4PM $1 Rebuy $1000 Guarantee, the 5PM $6 Bounty $1500 Guarantee, and the 8PM $3 Rebuy $5000 Guarantee. The rest of the time I'll be playing .25/.5 NL. I'm not playing the others because their prize pools aren't all that great and because I lose focus (and therefore money) if I have too many tables open at once.
Some may wonder how I have so much time to do this and school. Well, I am done with all of my days before 12PM, lol. Last year it used to be that I didn't have any classes until 12PM. Anyways, I have the worst academic schedule out of anyone I know in the history of mankind.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The $100 Pot
Hand #40567796-49580 at Albuquerque (No Limit Hold'em)
Started at 03/Apr/07 17:20:24
neaker is at seat 0 with $52.70.
BrianPeppers is at seat 1 with $50.
matterhorn is at seat 2 with $23.10.
MYDAYJOB is at seat 3 with $50.15.
Birds n Bees is at seat 4 with $49.80.
illTakeYouOut is at seat 5 with $49.60.
The button is at seat 3.
Birds n Bees posts the small blind of $.25.
illTakeYouOut posts the big blind of $.50.
neaker: -- --
matterhorn: -- --
Birds n Bees: 8c 8d
illTakeYouOut: -- --
neaker folds. matterhorn folds. MYDAYJOB raises to
$1.75. Birds n Bees calls. illTakeYouOut folds.
Flop (board: 6s 7d 2s):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB bets $3. Birds n Bees
raises to $9. MYDAYJOB calls.
Turn (board: 6s 7d 2s 4d):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB checks.
River (board: 6s 7d 2s 4d 5s):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB bets $15. Birds n
Bees goes all-in for $39.05. MYDAYJOB calls.
Birds n Bees shows 8c 8d.
Birds n Bees has 8c 6s 7d 4d 5s: straight, eight high.
MYDAYJOB mucks cards.
(MYDAYJOB has 3s 3h.)
Hand #40567796-49580 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $100.10.
Birds n Bees wins $98.10 with straight, eight high.
I've made over $100 playing .25/.50 today. So far.
Started at 03/Apr/07 17:20:24
neaker is at seat 0 with $52.70.
BrianPeppers is at seat 1 with $50.
matterhorn is at seat 2 with $23.10.
MYDAYJOB is at seat 3 with $50.15.
Birds n Bees is at seat 4 with $49.80.
illTakeYouOut is at seat 5 with $49.60.
The button is at seat 3.
Birds n Bees posts the small blind of $.25.
illTakeYouOut posts the big blind of $.50.
neaker: -- --
matterhorn: -- --
Birds n Bees: 8c 8d
illTakeYouOut: -- --
neaker folds. matterhorn folds. MYDAYJOB raises to
$1.75. Birds n Bees calls. illTakeYouOut folds.
Flop (board: 6s 7d 2s):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB bets $3. Birds n Bees
raises to $9. MYDAYJOB calls.
Turn (board: 6s 7d 2s 4d):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB checks.
River (board: 6s 7d 2s 4d 5s):
Birds n Bees checks. MYDAYJOB bets $15. Birds n
Bees goes all-in for $39.05. MYDAYJOB calls.
Birds n Bees shows 8c 8d.
Birds n Bees has 8c 6s 7d 4d 5s: straight, eight high.
MYDAYJOB mucks cards.
(MYDAYJOB has 3s 3h.)
Hand #40567796-49580 Summary:
$2 is raked from a pot of $100.10.
Birds n Bees wins $98.10 with straight, eight high.
I've made over $100 playing .25/.50 today. So far.
Monday. MTT bad, Ring good.
I played probably over half a dozen MTTs but didn't do anything worth mentioning in any of them. I won a seat into the $200K Qualifier but didn't actually earn a seat into the $200K. I do pretty well in the Qualifiers but for some reason always suck in the Satellites.
In good news though, I'm on a heater on cash games. I made around $38 playing .1/.25 and made $51 at .25/.50 for a total of ~$89 on the day. Good thing I did well at the ring games because MTT buyins and such add up and I probably lost a bit at them to day.
There was a hand today where I held JJ out of position and reraised preflop. My opponent and I saw a flop of, yahtzee, AJJ. I flopped quads! I waited a few seconds before checking to my opponent, who threw out a pot sized bet of $12. I imagined how great it would be if he had AA. I was being bet into when I held the nuts! There isn't a better feeling in poker. I called his huge bet and I suppose he knew I held a monster because I couldn't get a cent from him later in the hand. Guess he didn't have AA. :(
There was another hand where my opponent bet $9 on the turn and I reraised to $27 with top pair and a Q high flush draw. I'm still in shock that I'm playing in a fucking game where I reraise to $27 fucking dollars. Anyways, I rivered the flush and raked my biggest pot ever of about $87.
It's crazy when I realize that my standard cash game buyin is now $100, whether it be 4-tabling .1/.25 or 2-tabling .25/.50. Granted, I am nervous as hell, but scared money never wins.
Damn I've come a long way from our .05/.10 games that is for sure.
In good news though, I'm on a heater on cash games. I made around $38 playing .1/.25 and made $51 at .25/.50 for a total of ~$89 on the day. Good thing I did well at the ring games because MTT buyins and such add up and I probably lost a bit at them to day.
There was a hand today where I held JJ out of position and reraised preflop. My opponent and I saw a flop of, yahtzee, AJJ. I flopped quads! I waited a few seconds before checking to my opponent, who threw out a pot sized bet of $12. I imagined how great it would be if he had AA. I was being bet into when I held the nuts! There isn't a better feeling in poker. I called his huge bet and I suppose he knew I held a monster because I couldn't get a cent from him later in the hand. Guess he didn't have AA. :(
There was another hand where my opponent bet $9 on the turn and I reraised to $27 with top pair and a Q high flush draw. I'm still in shock that I'm playing in a fucking game where I reraise to $27 fucking dollars. Anyways, I rivered the flush and raked my biggest pot ever of about $87.
It's crazy when I realize that my standard cash game buyin is now $100, whether it be 4-tabling .1/.25 or 2-tabling .25/.50. Granted, I am nervous as hell, but scared money never wins.
Damn I've come a long way from our .05/.10 games that is for sure.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Balla late night .1/.25 session
I 4-tabled .1/.25 tonight and made over $50. This couldn't come at a better time because I've been pretty pissed at myself for sucking at ring games and still playing in them. I feel confident so hopefully that'll translate into good things for tomorrow. I've realized that confidence plays an important part in being a winning player.
My most noticeable improvement has been on the button. The beauty of the button is that it doesn't matter what cards you are dealt; you have position on the table for the entire hand. Most of the time I'm dealt rags but raise anyways. I steal blinds because my opponents have also more than likely been dealt rags, and these blinds add up in the long run. Often times, I even re-raise someone when I am the button with absolutely nothing, because if they just call there I put them on a middle pocket pair or a big Ace and outplay them if the flop allows me to do so. I'm a balla.
I also laid down QQ preflop after a re-re-reraise war with the button. I'm positive I saved myself $22, but it hurts to lay down the ladies.
I've also been thinking about our home group and what the summer will bring for us. I kinda would like to host at least 2 events per week: tournaments on Saturdays and cash games on Thursdays or some random weekday. I also want to keep stats because for some reason, ever since I've been little, I've liked keeping stats on everything and being very organized. It really is weird. Like, I used to have this game on my Nintendo 64 called NBA Courtside. I would take all 28 NBA teams, create an NCAA-style tournament bracket, and set the game to CPU v CPU and watch the teams play. I'd even to my own commentary as if I was on TV. After the games, for some reason, I would write down the stats of the game in a journal I kept for the tournament. I did this for all like, 50-something games. I was weird, yeah, shut up.
Anyways so now that I'm still grown up I guess I still do shit like that except its a little more, not as retarded, I shall say.
So, ring games on Thursdays and tournaments on Saturdays. More details later when I figure stuff out.
My most noticeable improvement has been on the button. The beauty of the button is that it doesn't matter what cards you are dealt; you have position on the table for the entire hand. Most of the time I'm dealt rags but raise anyways. I steal blinds because my opponents have also more than likely been dealt rags, and these blinds add up in the long run. Often times, I even re-raise someone when I am the button with absolutely nothing, because if they just call there I put them on a middle pocket pair or a big Ace and outplay them if the flop allows me to do so. I'm a balla.
I also laid down QQ preflop after a re-re-reraise war with the button. I'm positive I saved myself $22, but it hurts to lay down the ladies.
I've also been thinking about our home group and what the summer will bring for us. I kinda would like to host at least 2 events per week: tournaments on Saturdays and cash games on Thursdays or some random weekday. I also want to keep stats because for some reason, ever since I've been little, I've liked keeping stats on everything and being very organized. It really is weird. Like, I used to have this game on my Nintendo 64 called NBA Courtside. I would take all 28 NBA teams, create an NCAA-style tournament bracket, and set the game to CPU v CPU and watch the teams play. I'd even to my own commentary as if I was on TV. After the games, for some reason, I would write down the stats of the game in a journal I kept for the tournament. I did this for all like, 50-something games. I was weird, yeah, shut up.
Anyways so now that I'm still grown up I guess I still do shit like that except its a little more, not as retarded, I shall say.
So, ring games on Thursdays and tournaments on Saturdays. More details later when I figure stuff out.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Saturday Summary, March Wrap Up, April Goals
I finished in the money in two MTTs yesterday, the Rebuy $1000 Guarantee and the Bounty $1500 Guarantee, in 12th and 11th, respectively. I'm pretty disappointed I didn't make the final table in both since I was so close. There's no difference between 11th and 20th; what you really want to do is make the final table where the real money is to be won.
I pocketed $10.65 in the Rebuy and $16.23 in the Bounty. Bounties are cool because every player has a bounty over their head. I knocked out 11 people throughout the course of the event and earned $11 for doing so. This put total winnings for yesterday at $37.88. I am happy for this but know I could have done much better. It blows to play close to flawless for over 3 hours, then have one hand lose your entire tournament.
According to thepokerdb (need to register), I have played in over 100 MTTs. I've won $782.94 from these tournaments, which is wonderful to know. What makes me sick is that my bank is at $210, which means I've lost $572.94 from MTT buyins and ring game. Ouch. Most of the money has probably been lost during ring games, actually. I should stop kidding myself and stop playing them altogether.
My plans for April are really to play as many MTTs as possible. My goal is to make $1000. I'm coming off my most profitable week ever, making $400. I see my goal as a definite possibility. What it is going to come down to however, are those cash games I can't seem to constantly beat and/or get away from.
I'm also planning on making my first withdrawal this month.
I'm going to see Blades of Glory tonight and probably partying when we get back, so I doubt I'll be putting in any time on the online felt today.
I pocketed $10.65 in the Rebuy and $16.23 in the Bounty. Bounties are cool because every player has a bounty over their head. I knocked out 11 people throughout the course of the event and earned $11 for doing so. This put total winnings for yesterday at $37.88. I am happy for this but know I could have done much better. It blows to play close to flawless for over 3 hours, then have one hand lose your entire tournament.
According to thepokerdb (need to register), I have played in over 100 MTTs. I've won $782.94 from these tournaments, which is wonderful to know. What makes me sick is that my bank is at $210, which means I've lost $572.94 from MTT buyins and ring game. Ouch. Most of the money has probably been lost during ring games, actually. I should stop kidding myself and stop playing them altogether.
My plans for April are really to play as many MTTs as possible. My goal is to make $1000. I'm coming off my most profitable week ever, making $400. I see my goal as a definite possibility. What it is going to come down to however, are those cash games I can't seem to constantly beat and/or get away from.
I'm also planning on making my first withdrawal this month.
I'm going to see Blades of Glory tonight and probably partying when we get back, so I doubt I'll be putting in any time on the online felt today.
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